School or Organization _____________________________
Teacher/Sponsor _________________________________
Phone Number ______________ Activity Date __________
Parents please read, fill in the appropriate spaces, sign
and return with student to their teacher/sponsor before
leaving on the field trip.
I __________________________do here by grant permission
(Parent/guardians name)
for my child _______________________________ to attend
and participate in the activities at Garner Homestead Family
Farm on ________ and do hereby release Garner Homestead
Family Farm from any and all liability for my child’s welfare
while participating on this school sponsored field trip.
Signed _________________________ Date ____________

(parent/guardian signature)
Parents this form MUST accompany your child on this field trip
(additional note: We have antiseptic wipes in the petting area however you
may prefer to send your own brand with your child)
Teachers feel free to print and copy this page for your students